Contact form

Please send your questions, remarks or project decriptions to Long life for art.
We will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you.
name (required)*
phone number
e-mail (required)*
How many enclosures do you wish to treat?
What is the estimated total volume of all the enclosures to be treated? (Please specify cubic feet or cubic meters.)
How well-sealed are the enclosures?
What is the target humidity level you are looking for?
(as an RH%)
What kind of objects are to be stored or exhibited in the enclosure?
Your message
(Please tell us any other details about the collection, cases, or ambient conditions that might help us determine the best application.)
* marked fields are obligatory.
Long Life for Art | Christoph Waller | Hauptstr. 47 | D-79356 Eichstetten | Tel. +49(0) 7663 608 99-0 | Fax -20
E-Mail:, Web:, © c.waller